We do NOT claim spiritual authority or jurisdiction over the baptized who are under the authority of the Diocese of Saint Petersburg. We do not seek our members from among this existing flock. We do not intend schism or a replacement hierarchy, rather we understand ourselves as a sui juris structure whose mission in this age is to protect and steward the Old Faith (pre 1960 understanding of Catholic Christianity). Our apostolate focuses on those who seek the Traditional Catholic Faith and manner of worship but who cannot find it in the mainstream Church of this age. Our converts come from lapsed Catholics and those who were brought up unchurched or protestant who have discovered the Old Faith. We welcome Catholics of other jurisdictions as visitors.
We count as friend all who wish to restore the Old Mass and Old Faith as normative in the West, even when this friendship is not always reciprocated.
Our Constitution states:
This Old Roman Catholic Communion is one in matters of Faith and Morals, de fide, with the Church established by Jesus Christ. It embraces all such doctrine of the Apostolic See of Rome, and it condemns all heresies and other errors condemned by that same See. It accepts as Catholics those who share this doctrine and conduct their affairs accordingly.
and also:
SECTION 3. INTERCOMMUNION. — Members of this Communion may receive the Sacraments of Penance and the Holy Eucharist from priests whom they perceive to be Catholic as outlined in Article II (above) of this Constitution.
In practice we generally permit foreign clergy in valid orders to assist in choir, in choir dress, during sacred functions in our churches, and conduct ourselves in like manner in their churches.
Even with one another, we do not concelebrate in our tradition (except at one’s own ordination) so it removes a common point of friction.
We welcome any Catholic properly disposed to receive the sacraments. Our clergy enjoy friendships with Catholics of a variety of backgrounds including those who prefer the Mass of Paul VI. Though we only offer the sacraments according to the older rites.