Immaculate Conception Church is an Old Roman Catholic Church under the See of Caer-Glow. Led by the Most Rev. Fr. D.E. Meikle, M.Div, D.D. and assisted by the Rev Fr C. Angel.
We offer the Traditional Catholic Faith as handed via the Apostles free of modernist heresy or innovation. Sacraments are celebrated in Latin and English.
We are NOT affiliated with the novus ordo Roman Catholic diocese of St Petersburg. We are part of the One, Holy Apostolic Catholic Church, acknowledging the Petrine primacy and ministry and holding to all 20 Doctrinal Ecumenical Councils.
“This Old Roman Catholic Communion is one in matters of Faith and Morals, de fide, with the Church established by Jesus Christ. It embraces all such doctrine of the Apostolic See of Rome, and condemns all heresies and other errors condemned by that same See. It accepts as Catholics those who share this doctrine and conduct their affairs accordingly.” Constitution of the Old Roman Catholic Church, (1986) article II
We pray for those who have not heard the truth of Christ, and for those who, having heard it, have chosen instead the ways of the world. May God’s love draw them into the unity of the Catholic Church founded by His Son.
We pray for the return to Catholic unity of those clergy, religious, and people who debase the Church’s teaching in order to make it conform to the spirit of the world; trading the universal Truth of Christ for that relativism necessary in a world religion where anyone may believe and do anything.
We pray equally for the return of those who, while holding to the appearances of Catholic tradition, have given themselves over to the spread of schism, hatred, and falsehood; either in their misguided zeal for what they perceive to be the Catholic Faith or in the vain hope of making themselves look good by making others look bad.
We commend ourselves to the prayers of all who persevere in the Catholic Faith, not allowing themselves to be separated from Our Lord through comfortable and “politically correct” errors or the desire for disunity. Indeed, we commend ourselves to the prayers of all men of good will.
You will find further information about the difference between “mainstream” Roman Catholicism and Old Roman Catholicism on this site.
Frequently asked questions are addressed here:
“Are you in communion with Rome?”
“What is the main difference between an Old Roman Catholic and a ‘mainstream’ Roman Catholic?”
“Do you cooperate with the Church of Rome?”
“What are your views on Pope Francis?”
“Are protestants welcome to Holy Mass?”
Visit our FAQ page for more information.
Visit Our History pages for a fuller story.