The Old Roman Catholic Church finds itself in a canonical situation similar but not identical to the Society of St. Pius X. Though you occasionally find local bishops and priests who do not understand this, the Roman Church considers us a part of the one true Church but considers us “irregular” in the sense we choose our own bishops (which is contrary to the Roman preference and directive).
Many books have been written on the post-Vatican II mess and we will not attempt to provide an exhaustive answer here but a simple one.
The local mainstream/post-Paul VI era diocese will typically discourage or forbid attendance at our Masses unless a situation of emergency. For our part we agree with Rome that we are part of the One True Church and believe we are preserving the Old Faith of most of the Saints. Hence why we are “Old Roman Catholics”. There are many organs in a body though only one body. We share the same DNA of apostolic succession.
We pray for eventual full union with Rome and the restoration of the Old Faith.