Recently there was an article in the mainstream Catholic press on whether one can practice witchcraft and also be “Christian’.
It says much about the postmodern absurdity our civilization is struggling with when we can say “dark” can co-exist with “light” to make a better grey. No.
Good and Evil can indeed be confusing because Evil often masks as good.
In Genesis 3:1 the serpent questions the “Why” of God’s commands and in some translations says “Did God really say that…?” That’s essential the devil’s sales job to this very day.
In this age witchcraft, satanism, luciferianism, appears to be on the rise and concurrent to this the Christian Church embraced a trajectory from heresy, via further surrender to the world toward an full apostasy.
This phenomenon is not restricted to any one Christian tradition or denomination. This author (theologically Traditional Catholic Priest) only two days ago had a very serious Baptist church member who attends church services and Bible study 3 hours + weekly describe the value of astrological categories.
This isn’t uncommon at all. Is it pleasing to God? No.
The First Commandment – both in Old and New Testament is clear that nothing comes before the unedited Triune God.
Seeking comfort or power apart form the providence of God places our soul in great peril.
Avoid those who are stubborn in their allegiance to the New Age. Avoid bringing objects from such people into your home. The enemy (the devil) is very good at fooling folks using their own intellect or aspirations/hopes against them. Cast anything that does not keep you close to the True God away from you.
Here’s some scripture for your reflection and consideration:
Deuteronomy 18:9-14
Ephesians 6:12
1 Corinthians 10:20-21
Romans 1:18-25
Colossians 2:8
2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
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