“Now, let me understand what you are saying. Since Vatican II you have changed everything—the Mass and Sacraments, even the Rosary, the Stations of the Cross, and the Vulgate Bible—but you are saying that everything is as it was before.
The priest has become ‘president of the assembly’ the alter Christus now ‘narrates the words of institution,’ words which have been given the heretical ring of universal salvation, and which the Vatican admits are incorrectly translated, but remain so nonetheless; some of your ‘presiders’ employ cake or cookies and grape juice instead of bread and wine; some believe not in the sacrificial nature of the Mass; none are given explicitly ‘the power to offer Mass for the living and the dead’; your essential form for the ‘ordination’ of bishops no longer mentions the ‘fullness of the priesthood’; Vatican officials deny the reality of apostolic succession. And you expect me to believe you have a sacrificing priesthood? This is hardly a possibility, certainly not a probability, and in no way a certainty. Absolutely amazing!”
~ Fra. M. Eulogius, O.F.